Triage Cheat Sheet

Assignment Group/
Email Queue
Point Person
WebSIS NotifyBiographic and Emergency RecordSocial Security NumberUpdating/Submitting SSNPeter HPhilip C
WebSIS NotifyBiographic and Emergency RecordCitizenshipUpdating CitizenshipShirley TPhilip C
WebSIS NotifyBiographic and Emergency RecordLast School AttendedUpdating prior school historyCharliePhilip C
WebSIS NotifyBiographic and Emergency RecordOtherPeter HPhilip C
WebSIS NotifyBiographic and Emergency RecordBirthdateUpdating DOBPeter HPhilip C
WebSIS NotifyBiographic and Emergency RecordWebSIS Address ReportPeter HPhilip C
WebSIS NotifyBiographic and Emergency RecordDirectory Suppress InformationRequests for directory supressionNate HPhilip C
WebSIS NotifyBiographic and Emergency RecordName(s)Updating Legal or Admin nameShirley TPhilip C
WebSIS NotifyBiographic and Emergency RecordPersonal Emergency ContactsUpdating emergency contactPeter HPhilip C
WebSIS NotifyBiographic and Emergency RecordAddresses and Phone NumbersUpdating mailing address and phonePeter HPhilip C
WebSIS NotifyDegree TrackingDegree Candidate ListsAssistance with degree candidate listsCharliePhilip C
WebSIS NotifyDegree TrackingDegree ApplicationsAssistance with degree applicationCharliePhilip C
WebSIS NotifyForms and PetitionsHASS Concentration FormAssistance with HASS Concentration formHASS Team (ext.)
WebSIS NotifyForms and PetitionsLate Add/Drop/Change PetitionAssistance with submitting a late Add/Drop/Change petitionShirley TCharlie
WebSIS NotifyForms and PetitionsChange of Major FormAssistance with submitting a change of major formCharlieShirley T
WebSIS NotifyForms and PetitionsTranscript RequestAssistance with requesting a transcriptNate HPhilip C
WebSIS NotifyForms and PetitionsMinor CompletionAssistance with submiting minor completion forms to departmentPhilip CCharlie T
WebSIS NotifyForms and PetitionsTuition Light Load Adjustment FormAssistance with submiting light load formShirley TPeter H
WebSIS NotifyForms and PetitionsTransfer Credit Request FormAssistance with submitting transfer credit requestShirley TPhilip C
WebSIS NotifyForms and PetitionsOnline Add/Drop/Change FormAssistance with online Add/Drop/Change formPeter HPhilip C
WebSIS NotifyForms and PetitionsHASS Requirement Substitute PetitionAssistance with HASS Substutition petitionHASS Team (ext.)Charlie
WebSIS NotifyForms and PetitionsCommittee on Academic Performance PetitionsAssistance with CAP petitionsJocelyn Heywood (ext.)
WebSIS NotifyForms and PetitionsInstitute Laboratory Substitution PetitionAssistance with CoC Institute Lab GIR substitution petitionsMartha J (ext.)Catalog Team (ext.)
WebSIS NotifyForms and PetitionsDouble Major ApplicationAssistance with COC double major applicationMartha J (ext.)Catalog Team (ext.)
WebSIS NotifyForms and PetitionsMinor ApplicationAssistance with minor applicationPhilip CCharlie
WebSIS NotifyForms and PetitionsAdvanced Standing Exam PetitionSubmission of ASE petitionCharliePhilip C
WebSIS NotifyForms and PetitionsCommunication Requirement PetitionAssistance with SOCR CR petitionCR Team (ext.)Charlie
WebSIS NotifyForms and PetitionsREST Subject Substitution PetitionAsssistance with CoC REST GIR substitution petitionsMartha J (ext.)Catalog Team (ext.)
WebSIS NotifyOnline Add/Drop/Change FormDrop a subjectAssistance with online drop formShirley TPhilip C
WebSIS NotifyOnline Add/Drop/Change FormChange a subject statusAssistance with online subject change formShirley TPhilip C
WebSIS NotifyOnline Add/Drop/Change FormAdd a subjectAssistance with online add formShirley TPhilip C
WebSIS NotifyRegistrationSummer RegistrationGeneral questions about summer registrationShirley TPhilip C
WebSIS NotifyRegistrationCurrent RegistrationGeneral questions about current registrationShirley TPhilip C
WebSIS NotifyRegistrationIAP RegistrationGeneral questions about IAP registrationShirley TPhilip C
WebSIS NotifyRegistrationCross-RegistrationGeneral questions about cross-registering at other institutuionsShirley TPhilip C
WebSIS NotifyRegistrationFall RegistrationGeneral questions about fall registrationShirley TPhilip C
WebSIS NotifyRegistrationSubject listing and ScheduleGeneral questions about subject listings and scheduleSchedules Team (ext.)Catalog Team (ext.)
WebSIS NotifyRegistrationCross-register for an MIT subjectGeneral questions about cross-registering at MITPhilip CPeter H
WebSIS NotifyRegistrationSpring RegistrationGeneral questions about spring registrationShirley TPhilip C
WebSIS NotifyRegistrationStatus of RegistrationGeneral questions about registration statusNate HPhilip C
WebSIS NotifyDegreesSummer Degree ApplicationGeneral questions about September degree applicationCharliePhilip C
WebSIS NotifyDegreesSpring Degree ApplicationGeneral questions about May/June degree applicationCharliePhilip C
WebSIS NotifyDegreesFall Degree ApplicationGeneral questions about February degree applicationCharliePhilip C
WebSIS NotifyAcademic AdministrationManage Student Minor InformationGeneral questions from departments about UG minorsPhilip CCharlie
WebSIS NotifyAcademic AdministrationGraduate Term Summary ReportsGeneral questions about graduate term summary reportsPeter HPhilip C
WebSIS NotifyAcademic AdministrationUndergraduate Term Summary ReportsGeneral questions about UG term summary reportsPeter HPhilip C
WebSIS NotifyAcademic AdministrationAssign Research SupervisorsGeneral questions about research supervisor assignmentPeter HPhilip C
WebSIS NotifyAcademic AdministrationPre-Registration Class ListsGeneral questions about pre-registration class listsPhilip CCharlie T
WebSIS NotifyAcademic AdministrationAccess Student Minor InformationGeneral questions about accessing minor informationCharliePhilip C
WebSIS NotifyAcademic AdministrationClassroom Rules of UsePam
WebSIS NotifyAcademic AdministrationFERPAGeneral FERPA questionsPeter HPhilip C
WebSIS NotifyAcademic AdministrationTerm RegulationsGeneral term regulation questionsPeter HPhilip C
WebSIS NotifyAcademic AdministrationClassroom ReservationsSchedules Team (ext.)
WebSIS NotifyAcademic AdministrationClassroom InventorySchedules Team (ext.)
WebSIS NotifyAcademic AdministrationAssign Instructors to SubjectsCatalog Team (ext.)
WebSIS NotifyAcademic AdministrationSubject listing and ScheduleSchedules Team (ext.)
WebSIS NotifyAcademic AdministrationRegistered Student Class ListsGeneral question s about registered student class listsPhilip CCharlie T
WebSIS NotifyAcademic AdministrationRegulations and Policies Regarding Classes and ExamsSchedules Team (ext.)
WebSIS NotifyAcademic AdministrationPicture Lists by DepartmentGeneral questions about picture listsPeter HPhilip C
WebSIS NotifyAcademic AdministrationRegistration Class ListGeneral questions about registrationPeter HPhilip C
WebSIS NotifyAcademic AdministrationAssign Academic AdvisorGeneral questions about academic advisor assignmentPeter HPhilip C
WebSIS NotifyAcademic AdministrationPrerequisite ReportsGeneral questions about pre-requisite reportsPhilip CCharlie T
WebSIS NotifyAcademic AdministrationCI-H/HW WaitlistsGeneral questions about CI-H/HW waitlistsCR Team (ext.)Philip C
WebSIS NotifyAcademic AdministrationStudent Lists by CourseGeneral questions about student course listsPeter HPhilip C
WebSIS NotifyTuition and FeesGraduate TuitionQuestions about graduate tuitionShirley TPeter H
WebSIS NotifyTuition and FeesSpecial Student TuitionQuestions about special student tuitionShirley TPeter H
WebSIS NotifyTuition and FeesUndergraduate TuitionQuestions about UG tuitionShirley TPeter H
WebSIS NotifyTuition and FeesSloan School of Management TuitionQuestions about Sloan tuitionShirley TPeter H
WebSIS NotifyTuition and FeesProrationQuestions about tuition prorationShirley TPeter H
WebSIS NotifyTuition and FeesVisiting Student TuitionQuestions about visiting student tuitionShirley TPeter H
WebSIS NotifyTuition and FeesOther programs with non-standard tuitionShirley TPeter H
WebSIS NotifyTuition and FeesMiscellaneous feeShirley TPeter H
WebSIS NotifyAcademic RecordGrade ReportGeneral questions about grade reportsNate HPauline B
WebSIS NotifyAcademic RecordDegree CertificationGeneral questions about degree certificationsNate HPauline B
WebSIS NotifyAcademic RecordAcademic TranscriptGeneral questions about transcriptsNate HPauline B
WebSIS NotifyAcademic RecordEnrollment CertificationGeneral questions about enrollment certificationsNate HPauline B
WebSIS NotifyAcademic RecordUndergraduate Degree AuditGeneral questions about degree auditCharliePhilip C
WebSIS NotifyAcademic RecordGradesGeneral questions about gradesPhilip CPeter H
WebSIS NotifyAcademic RecordGIR AuditGeneral questions about GIR AuditCharliePhilip C
WebSIS NotifySubject Listing and ScheduleSubject Listing and Schedule SpringSchedules Team (ext.)
WebSIS NotifySubject Listing and ScheduleSubject Listing and Schedule FallSchedules Team (ext.)
WebSIS NotifyGradingPolicies and DefinitionsQuestions about grading polices and definitionPeter HPhilip C
WebSIS NotifyGradingGrade SheetsQuestions about grade sheetsPeter HPhilip C
WebSIS NotifyGradingSpecial ReportsQuestions about grading special reportsPeter HPhilip C
WebSIS NotifyClass Lists and ReportsPre-Registration Class ListsAssistance with Pre-Registration class listsPhilip CCharlie T
WebSIS NotifyClass Lists and ReportsRegistered Student Class ListsAssistance with registered student class listsPhilip CCharlie T
WebSIS NotifyClass Lists and ReportsFERPAQuestions about FERPAPeter HPhilip C
WebSIS NotifyClass Lists and ReportsTerm RegulationsGeneral questions about term regulationsPeter HPhilip C
WebSIS NotifyClass Lists and ReportsPrerequisite ReportsAssistance with pre-requisite reportsPhilip CCharlie T
WebSIS NotifyClass Lists and ReportsGradesGeneral questions about gradesPeter HPhilip C
WebSIS NotifyEnrollment ToolsSubject SelectorAssistance with subject selectorPeter HPhilip C
WebSIS NotifyEnrollment ToolsLimited Enrollment WaitlistsAssistance with limited enrollment waitlistsPeter HPhilip C
WebSIS NotifyEnrollment ToolsManage Instructor WaitlistsAssistance with instructor waitlistsPeter HPhilip C
WebSIS NotifyEnrollment ToolsManage Limited Enrollment SubjectsAssistance with limited enrollment subjectssPeter HPhilip C
WebSIS NotifyEnrollment ToolsManage Pre-Registration Class ListsAssistance with pre-registration class listsPeter HPhilip C
WebSIS NotifyEnrollment ToolsAll Subjects with WaitlistsGeneral assistance with waitlistsPeter HPhilip C
WebSIS NotifyRegistration InstructionsOnline Registration ProceduresGeneral questions about online registrationPeter HPhilip C
WebSIS NotifyRegistration InstructionsSpecial Student RegistrationGeneral questions about Special Student registrationShirley TPhilip C
WebSIS NotifyRegistration InstructionsRegistration HoldsQuestions about registration holdsPeter HPhilip C
WebSIS NotifyOtherOtherPhilip CPeter H
Add Drop HelpDrop SubjectsDrop a thesisShirley TPhilip C
Add Drop HelpDrop SubjectsDrop a special subjectShirley TPhilip C
Add Drop HelpDrop SubjectsDrop a cross-registered subjectPhilip CShirley T
Add Drop HelpDrop SubjectsDrop a half-term subjectShirley TPhilip C
Add Drop HelpDrop SubjectsDrop a cross-registered subject at HarvardShirley TPhilip C
Add Drop HelpDrop SubjectsDeadline to drop a full-term subjectShirley TPhilip C
Add Drop HelpDrop SubjectsDrop a cross-registered MIT subjectShirley TPhilip C
Add Drop HelpDrop SubjectsDeadline to drop subjects that begin after add datePeter HPhilip C
Add Drop HelpDrop SubjectsCancel drop formPeter HPhilip C
Add Drop HelpDrop SubjectsDrop a full-term subjectShirley TPhilip C
Add Drop HelpDrop SubjectsDeadline to drop a half-term subjectPeter HPhilip C
Add Drop HelpDrop SubjectsDrop a UROP for creditShirley TPhilip C
Add Drop HelpAdd SubjectsAdd a thesisShirley TPhilip C
Add Drop HelpAdd SubjectsCross-register for a subject at HarvardPhilip CPeter H
Add Drop HelpAdd SubjectsAdd a half-term subjectShirley TPhilip C
Add Drop HelpAdd SubjectsDeadline to add a full-term subjectPeter HPhilip C
Add Drop HelpAdd SubjectsDeadline to add subjects that begin after add datePeter HPhilip C
Add Drop HelpAdd SubjectsSearch subjectsCatalog (ext.)Peter H
Add Drop HelpAdd SubjectsDeadline to add a half-term subjectPeter HPhilip C
Add Drop HelpAdd SubjectsAdd a UROP for creditShirley TPhilip C
Add Drop HelpAdd SubjectsCancel add formPeter HPhilip C
Add Drop HelpAdd SubjectsAdd a full-term subjectShirley TPhilip C
Add Drop HelpAdd SubjectsCross-register for an MIT subjectPhilip CPeter H
Add Drop HelpAdd SubjectsCross-register at schools other than HarvardShirley TPhilip C
Add Drop HelpAdd SubjectsAdd a special subjectShirley TPhilip C
Add Drop HelpTechnical IssuesTroubleshoot add/drop/change formPeter HPhilip C
Add Drop HelpAdministrative helpTechnical IssuesPeter HPhilip C
Add Drop HelpLate Add/Drop/ChangeQuestions about process or petitionsPeter HPhilip C
Add Drop HelpChange SubjectsChange number of units for thesis or units-arranged subjectShirley TPhilip C
Add Drop HelpChange SubjectsGeneral questionPhilip CPeter H
Add Drop HelpChange SubjectsChange subject to and from PE/NE gradingShirley TPhilip C
Add Drop HelpChange SubjectsChange subject to and from P/NR gradingShirley TPhilip C
Add Drop HelpChange SubjectsChange subject from credit to listenerShirley TPhilip C
Add Drop HelpChange SubjectsChange subject from listener to creditShirley TPhilip C
Grading HelpGrade Entry and ReviewSummary by DepartmentAssistance with Departmental grade summary reportsPeter HPhilip C
Grading HelpGrade Entry and ReviewManage ImportsAssistance with importing grade sheets to OGSPeter HPhilip C
Grading HelpGrade Entry and ReviewEntry by SubjectAssistance with grade reportingPeter HPhilip C
Grading HelpAdministrationSet User AuthorizationRequests related to OGS accessPeter HPhilip C
Grading HelpAdministrationAssign Research SupervisorsRequests related to Research Supervisor assignmentPeter HPhilip C
Grading HelpAdministrationAssign InstructorsRequests related to instructor assignmnentPeter HPhilip C
Grading HelpAdministrationAssign Half-Term SubjectsRequests related to half-term subjectsPeter HPhilip C
Grading HelpOtherOtherPeter HPhilip C
Grading HelpSpecial ReportsEarly ThesisAssistance with submission of an Early Thesis gradeShirley TPeter H
Grading HelpSpecial ReportsCorrection of GradeAssistance with submission of correction of gradePeter HPhilip C
Grading HelpSpecial ReportsManage Special ReportsQuestions about special reportsPeter HPhilip C
Grading HelpSpecial ReportsCompletion of an IncompleteAssistance with submitting an incomplete grade completionPeter HPhilip C
Grading HelpSpecial ReportsLate End of Term GradesAssistance with submitting late end of term gradesPeter HPhilip C
Grading HelpSpecial ReportsCompletion of an OAssistance with submitting a completion of O gradeShirley TPeter H
Grading HelpSpecial ReportsGeneral ExamAssistance with reporting general exam gradesPeter HPhilip C
Grading HelpSpecial ReportsEarly GradeAssistance with reporting early (non-thesis) gradesPeter HPhilip C
Grading HelpSpecial ReportsGraduate Language ExamAssistance with reporting Graduate Language Exam gradesPeter HPhilip C
Grading HelpSpecial ReportsAdvanced Standing ExamAssistance with reporting Advance Standing Exam (ASE) gradesPeter HPhilip C
Grading HelpReportsCurrent Term ReportsAssistance with reviewing current term reportsPeter HPhilip C
Grading HelpReportsArchived ReportsAssistance with reviewing archived grade reportsPeter HPhilip C
Registrar GeneralMessages from Contact FormGeneral Public CommentMessages from an actual person that are inappropriate or threatening or otherwise offputtingUnassigned (Cancel Ticket)Unassigned (Cancel Ticket)
RecordsAcademic CalendarDates and Deadlines?'s about Academic CalendarPeter HPhilip C
RecordsAcademic CalendarReligious Holidays?'s about Academic Calendar and Religious HolidaysPeter HPhilip C
RecordsAcademic CalendarOther Academic CalendarGeneral questions about Academic CalendarPeter HPhilip C
RecordsAcademic CalendarProjected Key DatesGeneral questions about future important datesPeter HPhilip C
RecordsAdministrative Support & Student SystemsEnrollment ToolsTechnical issues with Enrollment ToolsPeter HPhilip C
RecordsAdministrative Support & Student SystemsSupervisor AssignmentTechnical issues with Supervisor AssignmentPeter HPhilip C
RecordsAdministrative Support & Student SystemsOnline Grade SubmissionTechnical issues with OGSPeter HPhilip C
RecordsAdministrative Support & Student SystemsOther Administrative Support & Student SystemsTechnical issues with general systemsPeter HPhilip C
RecordsAdministrative Support & Student SystemsWebSISTechnical issues with WebSISPeter HPhilip C
RecordsAdministrative Support & Student SystemsSubject SelectorTechnical issuess with Subject SelectorPeter HPhilip C
RecordsAdministrative Support & Student SystemsOnline RegistrationTechnical Issues with Online RegistrationPeter HShirley T
RecordsAdministrative Support & Student SystemsAdvisor AssignmentTechnical issues with advisor assignmentPeter HPhilip C
RecordsAdministrative Support & Student SystemsInstructor AssignmentTechnical issues with instructor assignmentPeter HPhilip C
RecordsAdministrative Support & Student SystemsPre-RegistrationTechnical issues with Pre-registrationPeter HShirley T
RecordsAdministrative Support & Student SystemsWebSIS Address ReportRegular reportPeter HPhilip C
RecordsAdministrative Support & Student SystemsTechnical IssuesGeneral technical issuesPeter HPhilip C
RecordsAdministrative Support & Student SystemsStudent Forms and PetitionsTechnical issues with SFPPeter HPhilip C
RecordsClassesPrerequisite ReportsGeneral questions about Pre-requisite reportsPhilip CCharlie T
RecordsClassesClass ListsGeneral questions about Class ListsPhilip CShirley T
RecordsGradesChange of GradeAd hoc requests to correct grading issuesShirley TPeter H
RecordsGradesHidden Grades?'s and requests about hidden gradesPeter HShirley T
RecordsGradesGrading Policies?'s about MIT grading policiesPeter HPhilip C
RecordsGradesGPA?'s about MIT GPAsNate HPhilip C
RecordsGradesOther GradesGeneral questions about gradesPeter HPhilip C
RecordsGradesIncomplete grades?'s about incomplete gradesShirley TPeter H
RecordsGradesGrade SubmissionGeneral questions about submitting gradesPeter HPhilip C
RecordsGradesOX GradesNotices from S^3 about OX gradesShirley TPeter H
RecordsGradesMissing GradesGeneral questions about missing gradesShirley TPeter H
RecordsGradesCross-Registered GradingCross-Registered Grade Results/questionsPeter HPhilip C
RecordsGraduationDegree Dates & Deadlines?'s about degree dates and application deadlinesPhilip CCharlie/Ally
RecordsGraduationCommencement?'s about Commencement RSVPPhilip CCharlie/Ally
RecordsGraduationThesis/Thesis Fee?'s about thesis feesAlly YPhilip C
RecordsGraduationVisa LettersRequests for Registrar letters for visa purposesNate HPhilip C
RecordsGraduationDegree Application?'s about the online degree applicationPhilip CCharlie/Ally
RecordsGraduationOther GraduationGeneral questions about graduationPhilip CCharlie/Ally
RecordsGraduationDegree list status?'s about degree list statusCharlie (UG)/Ally (GR)Philip C
RecordsOtherOther (Admissions Questions)Admissions questionsJulia BPhilip C
RecordsOtherVoicemailsEmails with/about voicemailsPhilip CPeter H
RecordsOtherGeneral Public CommentComments from the general publicPeter HPhilip C
RecordsRegistration & AcademicsDegree Audit?'s about the online degree audit in WebSISCharlie (UG)/Ally (GR)Philip C
RecordsRegistration & AcademicsHolds?'s about registration holdsShirley TPeter H
RecordsRegistration & AcademicsEarly Thesis?'s about early thesis completionAlly YShirley T
RecordsRegistration & AcademicsCAP PetitionsEverything related to CAP petitionsShirley TPhilip C
RecordsRegistration & AcademicsCross-Registration at Harvard?'s from MIT students cross-registering at Harvard (all schools)Shirley TPhilip C
RecordsRegistration & AcademicsCross-Registration at MIT (Harvard)?'s from Harvard students cross-registering at MITShirley TPhilip C
RecordsRegistration & AcademicsChange of Major Form?'s about changing undergraduate majorCharlie TShirley T
RecordsRegistration & AcademicsLeaves of Absence, Withdrawals, and Returns?'s about leaves of absence, withdrawals and return to MITShirley TPhilip C
RecordsRegistration & AcademicsSpecial Student Registration?'s about special (non-degree) student registrationShirley TPhilip C
RecordsRegistration & AcademicsWellesley UROP SubmissionWellesley UROP cross-registration paperworkCharlie TPhilip C
RecordsRegistration & AcademicsWellesley General Questions?'s from Wellesley students cross-registering at MITCharlie TPhilip C
RecordsRegistration & AcademicsWellesley Cross-Reg SubmissionWellesley cross-registration paperw0rk (non-UROP)Ally YCharlie T
RecordsRegistration & AcademicsAcademic RequirementsGeneral questions about MIT graduation requirementsCharlie (UG)/Ally (GR)Philip C
RecordsRegistration & AcademicsRegistrationGeneral questions about MIT registration processShirley TPeter H
RecordsRegistration & AcademicsLight Load FormGeneral questions about Light LoadShirley TPeter H
RecordsRegistration & AcademicsMinorsGeneral questions about undergraduate minorsCharlie TPhilip C
RecordsRegistration & AcademicsHarvard Petition ErrorsNotices from x-reg platform about errorsCancel tickets
RecordsRegistration & AcademicsCross-Registration at WellesleyGeneral questions from MIT students seeking to cross-register at Wellelsey CollegeShirley TPeter H
RecordsRegistration & AcademicsDeferred BillingGeneral questions about billingShirley TPeter H
RecordsRegistration & AcademicsLate FeesGeneral questions about Late FeesShirley TPeter H
RecordsRegistration & AcademicsOther Registration and AcademicsGeneral questions about registration and academics that do not fit in other categoriesPhilip CPeter H
RecordsRegistration & AcademicsMajorsGeneral questions about MIT undergraduate majorsCharlie TPhilip C
RecordsRegistration & AcademicsTransfer CreditGeneral questions about transfer creditShirley TCharlie T
RecordsRegistration & AcademicsCross-RegistrationGeneral questions about cross-registrationPhilip CPeter H
RecordsRegistration & AcademicsSubject Levels and CreditGeneral questions about subject level and creditsShirley TPhilip C
RecordsRegistration & AcademicsTuition & FeesGeneral questions about MIT tuition and feesShirley TPeter H
RecordsRegistration & AcademicsPre-Registration CI-H/HW SubjectsGeneral questions about pre-reg CI-H/HW subject selectionPeter HPhilip C
RecordsRegistration & AcademicsAdd/Drop/ChangeGeneral questions about changing MIT registrationShirley TPhilip C
RecordsRegistration & AcademicsLate Registration Change PetitionGeneral questions about petitioning for a late change of registrationShirley TPhilip C
RecordsRegistration & AcademicsTest ScoresGeneral questions about MIT credit earned via Test ScoresShirley TPhilip C
RecordsRegistration & AcademicsOGE PetitionsGeneral questions about OGE petitionsAlly YShirley T
RecordsRegistration & AcademicsVisiting Student RegistrationGeneral questions about Visiting Student RegistrationShirley TPhilip C
RecordsRegistration & AcademicsPre-RegistrationGeneral questions about pre-registrationShirley TPeter H
RecordsRegistration & AcademicsStudent StatusGeneral questions about student statusShirley TPeter H
RecordsRegistration & AcademicsLimited Enrollment Subjects & WaitlistsGeneral questions about limited enrollment subjects and waitlistsShirley TPeter H
RecordsRegistration & AcademicsASE Eligibility QuestionsQuestions pertaining to eligiblity to take an ASECharlie TPhilip C
RecordsRegistration & AcademicsASE General QuestionsGeneral questions about ASEsCharlie TPhilip C
RecordsRegistration & AcademicsASE Petition SubmissionASE petition submissionsCharlie TPhilip C
RecordsRegistration & AcademicsCross-Registration at other InstitutionsGeneral questions about cross-registration at other institutionsShirley TPhilip C
RecordsTranscripts & RecordsBio UpdatesRequest to change Administrative Name or provide High School and Post-Secondary InstitutionsNo longer actively used
RecordsTranscripts & RecordsFor Nate, On CampusHoldover from Covid Office ShutdownNo longer actively used
RecordsTranscripts & RecordsAcademic Standing Requests?'s about academic standingNate HPhilip C
RecordsTranscripts & RecordsDirectory Suppression?'s about MIT directory supression, form submissionNate HPhilip C
RecordsTranscripts & RecordsApostille CertificationRequests for apostilleNate HPhilip C
RecordsTranscripts & RecordsUnofficial TranscriptRequests for unofficial transcriptsJulia BNate H
RecordsTranscripts & RecordsGender ChangeRequests to update gender in MIT recordShirley TPhilip C
RecordsTranscripts & RecordsName ChangeRequests to update Legal Name in MIT recordShirley TPhilip C
RecordsTranscripts & RecordsRecords Privacy & Access?'s about general MIT records privacyNate HPhilip C
RecordsTranscripts & RecordsBiographic Information?'s about MIT Biographic InformationShirley TPhilip C
RecordsTranscripts & RecordsOther transcript and RecordsGeneral transcript and record questionsNate HPhilip C
RecordsTranscripts & RecordsLettersRequests for non-specific Registrar lettersNate HPhilip C
RecordsTranscripts & RecordsCitizenship changeRequests to update Citizenship StatusShirley TPhilip C
RecordsTranscripts & RecordsDigital DiplomasRequests about digital diplomasPeter HPhilip C
RecordsTranscripts & RecordsVerificationsRequests from 3rd parties seeking to verify MIT student recordsJulia BNate H
RecordsTranscripts & RecordsMIT ID?'s about MIT IDNate HPhilip C
RecordsTranscripts & RecordsRecords Research for Family EtcPre-1960 MIT records researchNate HJulia B
RecordsTranscripts & RecordsReplacement DiplomasRequests for replacement diplomasPhilip CCharlie T
RecordsTranscripts & RecordsGrad Rat ValidationsRequests to confirm student graduation year for purpose of buying grad ratJulia BNate H
RecordsTranscripts & RecordsBackground InvestigationsFederal and State investigators veriifying MIT student recordsNate HPhilip C
RecordsTranscripts & RecordsDiplomasRequests to receive paper diplomaCharlie TAlly Y
RecordsTranscripts & RecordsCertificationsRequest and questions about degree or enrollment certification lettersNate HJulia B
RecordsTranscripts & RecordsTranscriptsRequests and questions about Official TranscriptsNate HJulia B
RecordsTranscripts & RecordsTax FormsSubmissions and questions pertaining to tax formsNate HPhilip C
RecordsTranscripts & RecordsStatistics and ReportsQuestions about dataChrisRi